Confront us By Saint Jerome | 15 April, 2021

Through your anger and confrontations you remind us that we all have a duty to confront others from time to time. You also remind us that we have a duty to examine ourselves and confront our own weaknesses and harmful behaviors. Your life teaches that I must accept others for who they are. You taught of the danger of self-righteousness; of the importance of reflecting upon one of Jesus’ most insightful teachings: “Let the man who has no sin on his conscience throw the first stone.” In the light of your teachings, Saint Jerome, help me to see my own self clearly. Help me to confront my own biases and to act to change others only out of love. If I see that I have the duty to confront another, I ask you to be with me during those necessary but unpleasant moments of confrontation. Help me to remember that love alone can make changes for the good. Amen

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    Celebrated: 30. September


    Bible scholars, School children, Students

    Saint Jerome was born in a town on the Eastern Adriatic coast, in the imperial territory the Romans called Dalmatia. He studied in Rome, where he was baptized, and eventually became a monk. St. Jerome learned Hebrew while spending a few years in Syria as a hermit. From 382 to 385 he was in Rome again, serving as the secretary of Pope Damasus I the leading Roman Christians. He made himself indispensable to the pope, and took a prominent place in his councils. After the Pope's death, he settled in Bethlehem where he founded a monastery and dedicated himself to study and the translation of the Scriptures from the original languages into Latin. St. Jerome's translation, known as the Vulgate, was used in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church for over 1,000 years. St. Jerome was known for his teachings on Christian moral life, especially to those living in cosmopolitan centers such as Rome. In many cases, he focused his attention on the lives of women and identified how a woman devoted to Jesus should live her life. This focus stemmed from his close patron relationships with several prominent female ascetics who were members of affluent senatorial families. He led a life of incessant activity in literary production. The biblical scholarship of St. Jerome was extraordinary, and he remains one of the greatest Scripture scholars, Fathers, and Doctors of the Catholic Church. He died ten years before St. Augustine, in 420 AD.
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